NVC – You and Self-Connection
To be really tuned in to oneself, one’s worth and to take care of and nurture oneself – can seem herculean some days!
On other days it’s a breeze, isn’t it?
Do you ever wonder – what gives here? How can this be when I am the same person – yet up and down it goes . . And that’s it – up and down go our emotions and on and off go our thoughts. Moving all around are also our deeper needs.
I find a huge amount of peace and calmness is accessible – thanks to the framework of NVC – it gives a means of organising all of this and accessing my wisdom that lives within or underneath this inner experience.
NVC literally helps all of us to do this – to make sense of oneself at a deeper level than the shenanigans of the mind and emotions. :+)
Rather than do this on a random crises driven basis . . . I want to remind you that what makes a lasting difference is where your focus goes each day.
So today I am here encouraging you to pause each day to connect with yourself.
The basic Self Empathy process learned at an NVC Foundation training is a wonderful support. So definitely turn to that. For more depth and practice in how you befriend and relate to yourself in a variety of settings there is the next retreat My Relationship with Myself : Building Self, Worth, Love and Care. At this retreat we approach 3 new levels:
- Deeper practices of self-connection
- Bringing compassion to parts of myself that just don’t believe in my worth and lovability
- Resting in self connection even when it’s challenging
Of course you already are valuable, lovable and peaceful – that is how we see you. There is no adding to or improving who you are at our retreats, just practising finding our way back to our natural compassionate nature. We look forward to hearing any questions or reading your comments about how you connect with yourself regularly.
Love and gratitude
Linda (and Shari and Dorset)
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